The news that your child has Down syndrome can be a confusing experience.

We have found that sharing this experience with others who have been through the same thing is very helpful.

We have available a "First Call" team. These are parents who are available to talk to you about your concerns and provide you with information and contacts.

If you have recently discovered that your baby has Down syndrome, if you need answers, support, reassurance, or just a conversation with someone who has been through this, please contact our "First Call Parents" by phone at 800-664-MDSC or by email at Anna O’Rourke - all correspondences are confidential.

Our First Call Coordinators are also available for you to contact and ask questions or find out about how you can get more involved in the DSRG New Parents group. We have formed a Google Group for new parents in the DSRG that we will be happy to invite you to join so that you can be in contact with other new moms and dads and find out what is going on in the community, and what events are being planned for our families.

We members of the First Call Parents want you to know that although some challenges lie ahead, you will be able to love your baby unconditionally, as much as any other child you have, or dreamed of having. Babies with Down syndrome are loving, responsive, and beautiful. Although you may be experiencing some sadness now, soon that sadness will give way to the love you want to give your baby and that your baby deserves. There are many wonderful people in the area who want to meet you and your child. Please call or email when you feel up to it.

Click here to join the Down Syndrome Resource Group of Western Mass private Facebook group.

You may also email us at

The First Call Coordinator is Anna O'Rourke, Board member of the Down Syndrome Resource Group of Western Massachusetts. To contact the First Call Parent email at

Family Connections

Monthly Playgroups plus events for Teens/Adults

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Additional Resources

Please feel free to look at the following websites that provide more information for new parents of children with Down syndrome.

Dr. Brian Skotko’s Website – Dr. Skotko is a nationally recognized physician, based in Boston, who specializes in care for people with Down syndrome. Dr. Skotko regularly publishes articles and posts items on his blog that are helpful for the entire Down syndrome community. 

Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress New Parents Website – The MDSC is an organization in eastern Massachusetts with close ties to Dr. Skotko and the Boston Children’s Hospital. Their website offers helpful information about Down syndrome and about other national organizations, as well as suggestions for books to read, etc. They have a great site for expectant parents too.

Family Ties Information about Early Intervention – This site offers information about the Early Intervention centers in your area and the type of services that Early Intervention provides. Early Intervention is available to all children with Down syndrome at a reasonable cost that depends on family income. [Your medical professional should have referred you to an early intervention agency. But if for any reason you have not received that information, here is a place you can go to look into your options. Please also contact your child’s doctor to receive that important referral to an Early Intervention Center.]