We are looking forward to our annual party to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day! This year it will take place on the evening of Saturday March 8th, 2025 at the Castle of Knights, 1599 Memorial Drive in Chicopee MA. Save the date and look out for future communication to get your tickets to this wonderfully fun event where families come together to dine, dance and celebrate our loved ones with Down syndrome.
World Down Syndrome Day is March 21 and is a holiday recognized around the globe since 2007. March 21st or 3/21 symbolizes the third copy of the 21st chromosome that results in Down syndrome. This special day is a great opportunity to celebrate us and our loved ones who have been blessed with this extra chromosome, granting us membership in the coolest club, often called "the lucky few".
Get Tickets Now: https://charity.pledgeit.org/WDSD